An online Global AMU Alumni meeting was convened.proposal of forming a Global AMU Alumni Association was proposed.

An online Global AMU Alumni meeting was convened.proposal of forming a Global AMU Alumni Association was proposed.

An online Global AMU Alumni meeting was convened by AMU Old Boys (Alumni) Association Lucknow on 12th march, 2023 and a proposal of forming a Global AMU Alumni Association was proposed. Most of the participants (97%) welcomed the move and it was resolved to form such an organisation which will be in the interest of the AMU and members of Alig fraternity. Aims and objectives of this international forum were also briefly discussed. Aligs participated in large numbers including from USA, India, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and many more countries. It was resolved that a committee should be constituted to work out the practical and legalities modalities, long term vision of such an international organisation. Very useful inputs and suggestions were proposed which were all noted to prepare a long term master plan which will again be discussed in next session. 
The ongoing crisis on AMU campus over the issue of unprecedented delay in the appointment of next Vice Chancellor of AMU was also discussed and it was resolved to write a letter to her Excellency President of India in her capacity as Visitor of the University with a request for her intervention to resolve the crisis but before that, a delegation of AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow should meet the Vice Chancellor and take a true account of the situation. The issue of certain articles written by Prof. Mansoor which are against the basic spirit of AMU will also be discussed. All participants expressed their serious concerns over the ongoing developments on AMU campus. 
The meeting ended with a positive note. 

Prof. Shakeel Ahmad Qidwai, President 

Syed M Shoeb,
Hon. Secretary